Thursday, April 4, 2013

D is for dirt


There's still a shoe in that mud 'pit'.  

In the fall of 2012, I heard Michael yelling 'Mama... Help!'  I went outside to find him stuck in the mud but happy as could be.


  1. What is it about boys and dirt ?! Cute pictures!

  2. Boys and dirt go together like peanut butter and jelly!

    Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

  3. Dirt is good! I can always see if my son has had a good day depending on just how muddy he is.

    1. I agree! Michaels happiness is often correlated to how brown his bath water is!

  4. I used to love to play with dirt when I was a kid (and I got in trouble rather often because of it). Too bad grown-ups don't play much with dirt :)

  5. What a cute photo! I use to love making mud pies when I was a kid! Unfortunately my daughter is a total girly girl Princess and doesn't like getting dirty hahaha I somehow need to break her from that ;)

    1. Oh yes, break that now :) My mom says that when my sister and I were little, we would spend hours in the yard with my cousins when we went to my grandmother's house. We would all be doing the same exact thing, and we would come back covered in dirt and my cousins would come back sparkling clean! Sometimes I have to remind myself that dirt is good... like tonight, when Michael had to take 2 baths- because the water got too dirty in the first one!
